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School Organisation

School Hours:

Monday to Friday, school hours are from 8 am to 4 pm.

PUNCTUALITY is important at all times within the school day.

Student Entry and Exit:

Because we care about the safety of our students, and to avoid traffic problems at entry and exit times, we advise parents not to park their cars, in order to avoid congestion. It is not necessary to accompany children to their classrooms.

The School gates will remain closed for the duration of the School day.

Students will not be permitted to leave the School premises unless they do so for an important reason, which will need to be justified in their School diary or by means of a signed written note.

All absences must be notified in advance and, in the event a student needs to leave the School premises during the School day, they must notify the Secretary’s Office and fill out the appropriate exit form. Students will not leave during class time; they will do so at recess time.

Your cooperation is expected in order to achieve the speed, safety and efficiency that we need and that will undoubtedly benefit your children.


It is essential that absences from school be justified. Justification must always be in written form. If an absence is due to health reasons, the corresponding note from the doctor will be necessary.

Absence notes must be dated and signed by the parents, and they will be handed over to the student’s tutor, who will present them to the Academic Coordinator for their approval.

Textbooks and School Material:

Textbooks will be given to students during the first days of school.

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