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The SEK International Institution regards communication between family and School as an essential element for the development of an efficient education process. Such communication is even more effective when it takes into account the specific needs of every single student. For this reason, the School supports the system of personal meetings with the Tutor, Psychologist, Academic Coordinator, Director of Admissions or with the Principal as the best system to achieve educational success in students.

Within this philosophical framework which has every individual student at its center, the School offers a variety of activities addressed to parents and family members and focused on formation and contact with the School.

Tutorial meeting
Parent-visit day
Open days
International SEK Magazine and School Magazine


  • School Collaboration Committee
  • Family Sports Committee
  • Safety Committee
  • International Committee
  • Professional Committee
  • Committee for Assessing New Teachers

Tutorial Meeting:

The follow-up of each student’s education process by his or her Tutor is the means parents have of obtaining detailed information of their child’s development as a student in the School. Tutorial meetings will be as frequent as is required by the student’s situation and can be requested by the parents or arranged by the Tutor, by means of the school planner or via the Secretary’s Office.

We always send out a circular indicating the teacher that has been designated as every student’s tutor and his/her meeting hours. We ask that parents be punctual to the meetings because tutors only have limited time allocated for meetings.

Under special circumstances, parents can hold meetings with the different teachers, after a special request to the student’s Tutor or to the Secretary’s Office.

Parent-visit days:

On these days, a group of parents whose children are in the same year, are invited to participate in a guided tour of the School conducted by the Director of Admissions during a normal school day. The parents visit their children’s classrooms and the School’s facilities, so they can have an idea of how daily School routine works. After the visit, those parents who so desire, can have lunch at School and share their impressions with the School Principal.

Open-house days:

On these days, the School is decorated to receive parents and families as its privileged visitors. Student projects are exhibited in the classrooms and teachers welcome parents and explain to them the different activities that their children—who are the real hosts and guides during the day—have been doing at School.

Attendance is appreciated, since it shows the parents’ interest in the education of their children, our students.

International SEK Magazine and School Magazine:

Those parents who would like to, can participate in the publication of articles for both the SEK International Magazine and for the School Newspaper. The publication of the articles sent will be dependent on space availability and on the importance and profundity of the chosen topic. We count on your participation.

Within the SEK Educational Project, the most important function falls on the Tutor who, after committing themselves to the essence and the methodology of the teaching processes of the Institution, becomes the link between the student and their teachers and parents. The Tutor knows every student personally and tries to assist them with their problems. He/She takes account of the students’ suggestions, motivates them in their aspirations, and holds regular meetings with the parents, whom he/she informs of the evolution of the student and from whom he/she obtains information that can be of help to achieve the students’ best academic performance and most adequate personal development.

If you should need to contact the tutors, for example to arrange a personal meeting, you can do so via the school diary, by phone (call 96-198-06-50) or via email.

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