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New Technologies

We live in an exciting era, where technology has been introduced into every aspect of our lives, including education.

At SEK Paraguay International School, we implement this technological revolution change to enhance learning and prepare our students for the future.

From the youngest kindergartners to teenagers, technology is an integral part of their educational experience at our school. From iPads in students’ hands to a room equipped with iMacs, we actively encourage digital learning.

Programming and robotics are cornerstones of our curriculum, providing our students with the skills they need for the future.

Recognizing the potential of artificial intelligence (AI) to revolutionize education, AI is being implemented in our teaching. From virtual assistants that help students with frequently asked questions to personalized tutoring that is tailored to each student’s individual needs, we are taking full advantage of technology to enhance the educational experience for students.

We are committed to preparing our students to succeed in a technology-enhanced world, where innovation and creativity are the most prized talents.

The School offers benefits such as:

  • Robust Internet connection in all classrooms.
  • Mac classroom with 24 iMac computers and a 3D printer.
  • LEGO Education kits.
  • Interactive whiteboards and multimedia projectors in all classrooms.
  • Digital library with 3 iPads with keyboards and an extensive catalog of digital resources.
  • On-line grade check system that facilitates parents and students to access their academic history and other information related to the school.
  • The Wifi network has a content filter to ensure safe browsing.
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