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Student Insurance

The School provides its students with medical insurance.

Schooling Guarantee

As you know, the fact that our School belongs to the SEK International Institution allows your children to finish their schooling in any of the Schools that are members of the Institution in case of decease of the person financially responsible for the child.

For all of us, our children come first and, because of that, the Institution has developed a number of systems that guarantee their future, their stability and their continuity in school when faced with unexpected circumstances. The following is a summary of the guarantees covered by the complementary service that the School provides for all its students.

Holder: It is the person financially responsible for the child (father or mother) as stated in the annual registration contract. The maximum age accepted is sixty years of age.

Beneficiaries: It is the students enrolled at the School who are dependent on the Holder at the time of the decease of the latter.

Cover: This guarantee is a complementary service offered by the School within the normal schooling costs (for statutory education) and it covers registration, schooling and dining-room costs only for the duration of the school year.

The benefits will start from the statement of decease of the Holder until the end of the normal schooling of the student (without repeating any year) at the School he/she is attending. Under no circumstances will schooling be guaranteed in a school which does not belong to the SEK International Institution. In the same manner, no compensation of any kind will be paid in case the service should be stopped due to unavoidable circumstances.

The guarantee will be granted after the analysis of the circumstances and requirements present in each case. To this end, the School will be able to demand the information from the family that it deems necessary.

Exclusions: The aforementioned benefits will not be granted:

1 – In case of serious or terminal illness of the Holder at the time of the first registration of the student in the School.

2 – In those cases in which the Holder is in arrears with his payments of the bills issued by the School.

3 – When the schooling contract that binds the Holder and the School is not in force.

The School reserves its right to modify the characteristics of the benefits, covers and exclusions included in this service. The persons who are financially responsible for the students will be informed of such modifications in a timely fashion.

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